Monday, September 1, 2014

Baby on Board!

We are happy to announce that we are having a baby!  I'm 14 weeks along today and starting to emerge from a fog of constant nausea.  But, that just means that the baby is going to be extra good!

Briggs at 6 weeks.

Briggs at 13 weeks.

Lynn at 1,660 weeks.

Baby at 6 weeks and 1 day.  Sorry it's sideways. The black area is the yolk sac.  The two plus signs show the heart, which was beating at 164 beats per minute!

Baby at 7 weeks 4 days.  It's starting to look like a frog.  Just what we were hopping for. (Pun intended.)

Baby at 10 weeks.

Baby at 11 weeks 4 days.

To harken back to the baby's frog-like days, I wanted the first outfit I buy to have a frog.  
Ribbit, my friends.  Ribbit.


  1. Woo hoo! You're public now!!

    We're so excited for you all. All three of you look great. :)

  2. Ribbit, ribbit back at you! Congratulations, how exciting. We're very happy for all of us.
    Uncle Stan and Aunt Kathleen
