Saturday, October 17, 2015

Week 33 - October 11-17 - Lynn in Italy

Nova is the big 3-3!  I will be the big 3-3 in a few weeks!  

Kitty-cat hat to start off the week on the right foot.  Or, shall I say, paw.

She is so happy in the mornings!  Probably because she knows she's about to take a nap....

I am fo-sleeping here, since I took the photo.  Pretty good acting, right?  Nova is not acting.  She is sleeping like a....well....a baby. 

Nova and Jack are so cute together!  Katie and I decided that they are the cutest kids.  And we are obviously unbiased.

I took a lot of photos of Nova smiling so I could send them to Lynn.  In this way, I tortured him from afar.  "See all the cuteness you're missing?!"  :)

As soon as Nova realized that she could sleep on her face, she hasn't turned back.  Or slept on her back.


Who need gloves when you have socks on hand?  (hahaha...pun totally intended)

Proof that I cannot get a photo of her with the number sticker anymore!  She's so busy!

Well, I kinda got it....

And, again.  Blurry, but she's so happy, climbing around our apartment.  


  1. Looking great. Liked the pun. Love, Dad and Mom

  2. Yes, sending pictures to Lynn IS torture. He must miss her (and you). Love, Aunt Linda
