Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks

We've somehow made it this far!!  The last month has been intense....

March 18 - 28 weeks pregnant

On Thursday, March 23 (while Lynn was in California) I started experiencing painful contractions.  The next day, they continued so the doctor told me I had to go to the hospital....at 9 pm.  I called a few friends to come over and stay with Nova while I go to the hospital, but one was out of town and the other was really sick.
So, I walked across the street to Candy and Phil's house, who graciously came over and sat in our TV room all night  So amazing.
At the hospital, my contractions continued and my body was showing other signs of pre-term labor.  After 6 hours, and a shot to keep the contractions at bay, they released me.  I got home at 4 am.  Lynn took the red-eye and got home at 7 am, just as Nova was waking up.  He took care of her until 10 am, so I could sleep in.  Then, I got up and Lynn slept for a few hours. 
Throughout that weekend, I continued to have contractions and was worried I'd have to go back in. Luckily, they were irregular so I didn't have to!  

March 26 - 29 weeks pregnant

My contractions and pain continued when I went to work on March 29, so I saw my doctor again who suggested I work from home for the duration of my pregnancy.  This has been a great idea - I have been able to take care of myself by missing my commute.  

April 9 - 31 weeks

No drama this week! (though I couldn't find my orange bump shot shirt!)

April 16 - 32 weeks

April 23 - 33 weeks

I had my 32 week appointment on April 14, and all is well!  At my 32 week appointment, I found I've gained 32 pounds in 32 weeks, just like I had with Nova.  Lynx's heartbeat was 135 - perfect for this stage.  He had been measuring a week ahead...until this week. Now he's measuring a week behind (31 weeks).  They said not to worry, but of course, I can't help myself.
I don't have much of an appetite and if I'm up and about too much, I start having contractions.  But, other than that, things are good.  I hope he's happy in there, and willing to stay put for at least 7 more weeks!


  1. Hang in there girl! Love, Grandpa Steve and Grandma Nancy

  2. Wish it could have been easier, but hey, working from home has its plus side!
    Love, Linda and Ron
