Saturday, February 17, 2018

Lynx's Eighth Month - January 2018

Lynx continues to be a very sweet baby while he navigates the world around him, including that of food!

We have attempted this new-fangled baby feeding practice called Baby Led Weaning, where you give the baby whatever you're eating (except choking hazards).  Lynx has loved it.  He will whine and cry if he gets baby food during one of our meals.  He wants whatever the big kids are having!

Some eggs and sweet potatoes

Ripe pears

Butternut squash 

This is the only time so far that he's drank from his cup successfully on his own, within any help from me. Pretty good!

Ball pit time with sister!  He loved it until he sunk too far down.... 

 What's more fun than a can of beans while it rolls around on the kitchen floor?

For Valentine's Day, I bought Lynn a long overdue present.  Here are my two SuperBoys!

He has started pulling up! He really hates being on his belly, prefering to see the whole world (aka, his sister) from this upward vantage point.

Flying in a real plane (that wasn't flying!) at the Badlands, an indoor recreation center in Rockville.


Meredith had us over for a playdate and Lynx loved their ball pit too!

A little playdate with Seamus! 

8 Months!!

On January 14, I was positive that his bottom left tooth had poked through.  Then, it vanished.  Does that happen? Or did I imagine the tooth?  Either way, his first undisputed tooth came through February 5 - just five days before turning 8 months.  

He's made some major developments in his physical movement, too.  On February 6, just after cutting the tooth, he pulled himself up from sitting on the floor.  The next day, I laid him down on his back in his crib, left, and returned to find him sitting up!  He's done this a few times since Feb. 7.  Then, on February 15, he started cruising.  On February 16, he went from laying down in the crib to sitting, to standing - all three positions - all by himself in one timeframe.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update—albeit a little overdue! Grandpa Steve can’t get enough updates. Hope to be there in May for up close and personal update!
