Sunday, February 14, 2021

2021 - so far!

 Hello all! I was texting with Uncle Stan, which prompted me to update my blog! Thanks Stan!

In short: Everything is awesome. We've settled into a VERY basic routine and it's working out slick:

The kids wake up around 7:15. We wake up at 8. hahah. Kindergarten starts at 9, and Lynx's preschool (MWF) is at 9:15. Lunch at noon, followed by afternoon kindergarten (while Lynx has quiet time and plays on his tablet IF he is quiet). Kindergarten ends around 3, when we have snack, they clean up their toys, and Nova practices piano. She's getting really good! Then, we go outside, have dinner, with Daddy bedtime starting at 7 pm. I read with Nova until about 8:30, and then I settle into an evening watching Sex in the City.

How well my children are adapting to virtual school and this basic routine is half of why this winter has gone so well.  The other half is because it's going to be over soon. Nova's school opens its doors on March 15, and I couldn't be more excited. I feel a strong desire to nest...or I've been shopping for back-to-school clothes all week! 

Additionally, other things are opening, too. I've signed them up for soccer (with two friends, to boot!) and baseball both starting in April, and a full immersion Spanish camp for two weeks in August. I've heard that swimming is open at our local pool, so signing up for that is next on my list. I can't wait!

I hope you're all doing well, too!

I've had an injured hamstring since last April. I can't really run without it hurting, but I can bike and weight lift, so I've been trying to do more of those. Luckily, I've got some great workout buddies!

We had a few warm days at the beginning of February, so we went to the park! I love this photo!

And then it snowed, but we still went outside! We are from Minnesota after all.

For the past three years, every January, I've updated our pantry. This year was not different, though I *think* this is the last time. I also did the little built in spot in our dining room, too (above). Pantry pics are below. 

In addition to styling the kitchen, I styled Lynx's hair! He Hated it! He said, "I don't look like Lynxy!" 

Such personality!

Both of them!

Indoor fun includes...
...building forts... (Can you see my kids?? Their heads are peaking out...)

...taking music class (and photo bombing your brother)...

...relaxing on the couch, congratulating each other on our outstanding parenting skills...

...and reading books we get for free from the local Buy Nothing Group...

And, playing piano! Nova practices almost every day! (Her mother could try combing her hair every day too. #goals)

Cute Quotes! (Some of these may be repeated but they're worth repeating!)



It’s jalea. It’s purple smushed grapes, you put on sandwiches with peanut butter.” 

She has learned how to read really well! She knows her sight words and can sound out almost all of the sound-out-able words (can, pit, fizz). Tonight, December 19, she said,” mama thank you for wanting me to read and reading with me. I love reading. I just want to read, read, read. I wish kindergarten was only reading.” 
I said, but don’t you like art?”
Nova, “yes but we can do art next year. I want to just read this year.” 

Nova: “Last year we got to go to Arizona with your mom and have great Christmas Days!” 

Also Nova said: this doll is very capable of Christmas! 

And: all of these presents are like a dream come true! 

(While playing piano): I’m so happy at myself! I can do right things now! 

Nova: did you know everyone has their own smell? Well, I smell a Katie smell!! 
Me: oh that’s great! Do you mean Katie Conlon? 
Nova: no, Katie who is Jack’s mom. (Sniffs more.) It smells like she’s here! 


Nova: I can’t believe I’m here. I can’t believe I’m a person. 

“I’m full of hands!” Instead of my hands are full. 
“I’d be honored to help you.” 
“I know you’re not keen on waiting, Lynx.”
When she couldn’t remember a letter sound During her assessment: “oops. That one just went to the woods!” 


“When I was little I couldn’t climb there. But I tried and tried and still I could not.” 

“I want to listen to your tummy. Oooh, i like the texture!” 

Lynn was telling lynx about the Marvel Characters. Lynx said,”and Complete Man!”
Lynn: who is that? 
Lynx: Complete Man completes stuff! He’s a bad guy who fights the Hulk! 

Listening to Hamilton, lynx said, Angelica satisfies herself. She lets her sister marry Alexander but she wanted to marry him. So she satisfied herself. ❤❤❤❤❤

December 2020
Lynx: I fell over because I lost my bounce. 

Lynx:  Nova wants to help birds.
Me:  She does?
Lynx:  Yeah, but she needs to call me if there’s something dangerous... because I’m the expert of dangerous!

February 2021 
“Let’s play marry and I be the Hulk marrying you Nova! I be gentle dancer!”

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Glad you're getting in snow time! Thanks for the credit line. I have exact same woven storage baskets at Hotel California! Don't we have good taste? You may have inherited your labeling skills from your grandfather who labeled his food shelves in his later life!
