Monday, June 17, 2024

May 2024

 May was incredibly busy, as it always is!

My kids did great at their final RMSC swim meet of the season. Here's a playlist of their events: 

Lynx played in his final games for the spring season. He has improved so much this year! Next year, he's moving up to the travel team which Should be fun! 

Lynn and I went on the first date we've been on in probably two years. We decided to pose for an awkward photo, as is tradition.

I was attacked by a toddler! It's ok, I've made a full recovery.

Fun rainy days!! 

At the pool, there's a little playground. During "clean up" day, some of the kids played on the playground. This is where Nova decided she had a crush on Jack D. ;) 

Why watch your sister play softball when you could read Harry Potter? 

They thought this was HILARIOUS.

First treat from the ice cream truck this summer! 

Nova with one of her BFF's, Aria.

The end-of-year celebration! The kids did such a great job! 

At the "Spanish Immersion Night" the kids all performed and it was magic! 

Here's Lynx with his class.

Here's Nova presenting solo! 

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