Tuesday, February 10, 2015

37 weeks

I'm so glad to report that everything is going well!  Lynn and I did our maternity photo shoot on Sunday, February 8.  We hope to get the proofs back within the week, and I will post them immediately!  (Assuming I don't have anything in my teeth.)

37 weeks!  

I had my appointment on Monday, February 9.  I found out the following stats:
1. I've gained 40 pounds.
2. Her heart rate is 154.
3. My fundus is 36 centimeters.  
4. She's dropped!
5. She's at -3 station.  This means that her head is engaged/dropped but she's as far away from being born as she can be (while at the same time being engaged....if that makes sense.)
6. I'm 50% effaced.
7. I'm 1 centimeter dilated!!!

All of this means I could go into labor tomorrow, or in three weeks.  But, just to be safe, Lynn installed the car seat last night.  

On Tuesday, February 3, I started feeling a single 1-2 minute Braxton Hicks contraction once every two days.  Sunday night (Feb. 8) I had a single contraction for 2 hours.  It was dull and mild, so nothing to complain about.  But, the next morning is when they measured me at 1 centimeter dilated.  So....Progress!

Starting this labor process is making it all the more real.  While prior to yesterday, I felt pregnant, and kept getting more and more obviously pregnant, the idea of actually having a child was distant.  Exciting....but still something that happens to other people.  Since the news that she's making some progress toward joining us, I've quite quickly made the transition to understanding that I am going to have a child.  I have had so much energy since this news!!  I hope that extra energy lasts, and I can get through a relatively uneventful labor.

Relatedly, Baby Wilson continues to groove and jive in her cocoon.  Check out this latest video of her movements!  (You can ignore the sound.  We were watching "Last Week Tonight" with Jon Oliver.)


  1. Great news! Love, (soon-to-be) Grandpa Steve

  2. Briggs, I don't want to freak you out, but there's an alien inside you! ;) I remember having that same video while pregnant. It's wonderful that you recorded it! Definitely something to treasure.

    So excited that things are going well and progressing. Your child (yes, you will have a real live child!) is preparing herself to meet you. What a wonderful time!

    Love, (soon-to-be) Aunt Jenn! Woo hoo!
