Monday, February 16, 2015

38 Weeks

T minus 2 weeks!

I spent the weekend preparing for Baby Wilson.  I got this monkey hanger from Kaia.  Thanks!!
Pictures of the nursery will be up next week!

We took this photo a little later in the day, so the sun was shining right on the belly!  

1. I've gained 43 pounds.
2. Her heart rate is 150.
3. My fundus is 37.5 centimeters.  
4. I'm still 50% effaced.
5. I'm stil 1 centimeter dilated

So, she's taking her time.  While I thought she may be coming within the week, now I am quite committed to thinking she won't join until after her due date of March 1.  But...we'll see!


  1. Everything is looking great! No wonder she isn't in any rush to meet you, you've obviously provided her with a great womb. :) Even the sun shines upon it. Can't wait to see pictures of the nursery!

  2. Looking great. See you in a few weeks. Love, Dad

  3. Bring on the March!!! I'm so glad she is loving her home, but I'm getting very excited to see her! Kaia has great taste!
