Wednesday, February 25, 2015

39 Weeks

Nursery complete!

I thought it would be fun to have jungle friends, so this week, I put up these jungle stickers.

The crib and changing table were gifts from a wonderful co-worker, Sarah.  Thank you!  Pretty much everything else you see here is also a gift.  We are to lucky to have such wonderful friends and family.

I tried to pull the purple out of the jungle stickers, and accent our nursery with dark purple.  But it's actually pretty tough to find things that aren't pink and blue.  But, I'm committed to purple and did the best I could!

A friend on Facebook is having a baby soon.  She has made 54 frozen meals for when the baby comes.  Impressive!  She inspired me to  I made 9 bean and cheese burritos.  They're pretty tasty!

My dashing beau put the stroller together.  He's very proud of the wheels - they're good quality rubber so we can jog with the baby safely.  He's also pleased by the cup holders, which will perennially be filled with his favorite beverage. 

I've been feeling kinda crummy lately.  I'm tired and have a stomach ache a lot of the time.  However, I've been eating well, and sleeping about 6 hours a night.  (I used to sleep 9 hours a night, but for some reason, I can't sleep in anymore.)  So, the only thing I could fix is exercise.  
Starting Saturday, I've worked out every day, going yoga and/or elliptical.  I don't really have any maternity exercise clothes, so I sometimes look ridiculous.  
Regardless of how I look, I am starting to feel a bit better!  I think the exercise is doing the trick.

39 weeks!

1. I didn't gain any weight since 38 weeks. So, my total is still 43 pounds.
2. My blood pressure was 108 over 80.
3. My fundus is 37 centimeters.  It shrunk by .5 centimeters because she's dropping.
4. I'm still 50% effaced.
5. I'm still 1 centimeter dilated.


  1. The nursery is absolutely adorable! Salsa will love it. Stick to the purple; pink will soon take over. That and glitter. Oh, the glitter!

    Great job putting together the stroller, Lynn. Not sure how well your choice of beverage will go with jogging, but bully for you!

    You look wonderful! Only two may days until my prediction comes true. ;) Come on, baby Salsa! We're so excited to meet you!!!

  2. I love your baby room! It is so darling! You are so darling, also!
