Monday, March 2, 2015

Introducing Nova Rolfsrud Wilson

On February 28 at 3:49 pm, Nova Rolfsrud Wilson joined us!  She was 6 pounds and 5 ounces, and 20 inches long.  Tiny, but mighty!

We took her home today, Monday, March 2, around noon.

My coworkers and I went out to dinner on my last day in the office.  Little did I know that I'd be in labor three hours later!

My water broke at 9:30 pm on Friday, February 27.  We went to the hospital at 12:30 am on February 28, and were all checked in by 2:30 am.

The happy, naive couple.  No idea what's about to happen to us!  :)

Before the labor really set in, my partner-in-crime took a little cat nap.

And....then she was born at 3:49 pm!  We had a great experience overall.

Her little eye has what they call a "stork bite."  It has gone down significantly since the first day.

Skin-on-skin time!

They spelled my last name wrong, but they got her gender right. 1 for 2!

My buddy, Megan Gooch, visited on Sunday night.  Two adorable young women!

Another good friend, Anuj, visited with his wife, Kinnari.  Thanks for meeting Nova!

Monday, March 2, we are dismissed from the hospital with flying colors.  Off we go!  Into the car seat, and then....home!

Love the hat.

Love the finger placement.

She's saying, "One MILLION dollars!"

We love you Nova!  


  1. You all look amazing! We are so excited to have a new member of the family. She's beautiful and obviously loved very much. Good job, you two! We love her so much!

  2. Wow! Very informative, and entertaining. Love the one million observation. Love, Grandpa Steve

  3. Such a beautiful and fun family!
