Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Week 1 - February 28-March 7

Week 1 at home with Nova was awesome.  I was ecstatic most of the time.  Lynn would ask how I was, and I always responded with a resounding, "GREAT!"  I love being a mom, and I love little Nova.  

She's so teeny in her daddy's strong arms!

Snuggly little burrito.

Ty came to visit on March 4!  Nova was so excited, she was awake for the entire time she visited.  After she left, she continued to stay awake!  She felt a little warm to us, and kept spitting up, so we called the pediatrician, who assured us she was fine.  And she was.

Week 1 stats:
Nova was born at 6 lb, 5 oz.  She went down to 5 lb, 13 oz in the hospital, but after just a week, she's gained back all that weight!  She's back to 6 lb 5.5 oz. which means that she's put on about an ounce a day.
Keep eating and sleeping, my tiny mighty one!

1 comment:

  1. Go, little Star, go! She's so dang cute, but that's to be expected considering who her parents are. It's going to be so much fun watching her grow up with you two. She's a lucky little girl. :)
