Monday, June 19, 2017

Lynx's First Week

I think you'll be able to tell from these photos below that I spent the first week post-partum primarily with Lynx.  Lynn did everything else - he took care of Nova, he did the dishes, the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, the taking care of me, etc.  Thank you!

Lynx sleeps a lot, as he should.   

 Mommy snuggles and Daddy snuggles.

First car ride! (Ok, that's a lie.  This is his second car ride.  Like any neglected second child, I keep forgetting to capture his first experiences!) I said, this is his SECOND bath!  See? More neglect! 
 But, his first bath was about the same - he was not a fan! 

Luckily, he recovered well from the terrible bath and is sleeping like a, well, baby!

On Tuesday, June 13, we went to Lynx's first pediatrician appointment:
He was 8 lb, 6 oz at birth. After delivery, he had only last 2% of his weight (8 lb and 3 oz).  For our pediatrician appointment, he had gained it all back and then some!  He was 8 lb, 9 oz.  This does not surprise me because this kid eats constantly.  

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