Saturday, September 16, 2017

Lynx's Third Month

Lynx is 3 months old!

His dad has barely survived the so-called "fourth trimester," but he still looks good, don't he?  

Lynx continues to sleep in my room, mostly in the swing.  Lynn is in the guest bedroom, because we figure, at least one of us should get a full night's sleep.  Since mid-August nights have been especially tough on me, though, as Lynx has frequently slept in 1 hour bursts.  So, I am waking up every hour.  Ugh.  Last night, however, I pumped at 9 pm and went to bed.  Lynn gave him the milk at 1 am, snuck him into the swing with me, and left.  I didn't wake up until 3 am!  A full 5-ish hours!  If my dashing husband is willing, I'm hoping we can do this more frequently so I feel less like a zombie.

For his three month birthday, I took Lynx to a luxurious lunch with Emily and Tricia!

 Happy Three Months!

We don't have any official stats, as Lynx' next appointment will be at four months.  But, unofficially, touched his feet with his hands on September 1.  He rolled over (from back to front) on September 4.  He's the smiliest, happiest little dude there is.  He talks constantly and settles down every time he makes eye contact with me OR every time I lay down next to him.   If we make a clicking sound with our tongues, he does the same. He's very responsive, active and engaged.  LOVE HIM.  


  1. The pictures of Lynx are adorable, but Lynn's is a hoot! Good luck with the sleep - all of you! Aunt Linda

  2. Like father, like son...comparing the first and second pictures...the spread-out sleeping postures are the same.
