Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Lynx's Language Development, Great Wolf Lodge, Nova's Notes

To follow up on my "Lynx is 18 months" post, Lynx's language development has blossomed.  He could say about 8 words in December.  If I asked him to say something he didn't know, he's respond with "Bwah Bwah" to get what he wanted (as of Jan. 10).  I started to wonder if I shouldn't push him to say it more correctly? My notes from December are:
He points and claps, his way of saying "more" or "give me." He doesn't want to say the word if he knows his can't. In fact, he refuses to even try most of the time.  He just stares at me and/or shakes his head.  he tries to repeat things only if I ask him to.  But he doesn't repeat me spontaneously. After practicing just 4 times, though, he can say "up" instead of "ub." If I say an animal, he'll respond with the correct sound, though sometimes those sounds morph.  He knows: cat, cow, horse, frog, monkey, elephant, dog, duck, chicken and lion sounds.
if I prompt him, he can say "ee" for cheese. Hi-ee! for hi and bye-eee! for bye.
I'm working on him saying "more" and "please" but he just says "mommm" and "eeesh" if I push him. Instead, he continues to use signs if he wants something.

Contrast that to my notes from February, which reflect a major shift in his willingness and ability to speak:
He'll say over 50 words spontaneously now:
Uh-uh (as in "no" He has never actually says "no.")
Anna (from frozen)
All Done
Honey (1/10/19)
Egg (1/22/19)
Uh-oh, baby! (if he drops something), Uh-oh mama! (if I do.)  (1/20/19)
me me
whoa if he falls, or if someone else falls.
boo for peek a boo
home 1/22/19
ya! (as in "yes!")
wa wa for water (1/25/19, but as of today, 2/12/19, he say water)
Mac (from Cars, 1/28/19)
Ogre (from a monster book 1/28/19)
aardvark (from a photo 1/28/19)
milk 1/31/19
truck (uck on 1/31/19, then guck 2/12/19, but still can't say truck)
knee (1/31/19)
ball (2/1/19)
work (2/1/19) Due to the government shutdown, Lynn was home every day for over a month.  Whenever we were out, and I'd say "Ok, we are going home now!" Lynx would say, "dada!"  But, after he started going back to work, Lynx started saying "dada....Wook."
butt 2/2/19
back 2/3/29
wet 2/3/29
more hot cocoa (2/3/19)
bike (beck) (2/3/19)
busssss (2/3/19)
root (2/4/19)
Rock (2/4/219)
Ice (2/4/19)
ba bo for peanut butter (2/4/19)
apple (2/5/19)
banana (2/5/19 - pronounced by flipping his tongue around....adorbs)
The sentences:more rocks, more milk (2/7/19)
Manny is muddy (2/8/19)
ugga mugga (2/9/19)
hide (2/9/19)
bip is poop (2/11/19)
man (2/11/19)
back means outside (I assume for backyard?) 2/11/19
deer 2/11/19
wash 2/11/19
rhino 2/12/19
wait 2/12/19
read 2/12/19
potty 2/12/19

As you can see, he's gaining 2-4 words per day!  And, this is not him repeating me. For example, if he wants to read a book, he points at the book and says "read!"

But, due to the pediatrician's concern, we set up an evaluation with the county's Infant and Toddler's services, who provide free services to kids who show developmental delays.  As you can see, he does not, so he's ineligible for services.  This is quite a load off my mind, though I certainly would have appreciated the services!

As you may have heard, the government shut down for a few weeks in January.  At first, I was happy about it - yay more time for Lynn to be with us!  So, we took advantage of his time off and went to the Great Wolf Lodge for a night in early January.

Lynn has been working on his farmer's tan all year.  Finally, the opportunity to show it off.

Great Wolf Lodge! 

Hotel Room fun 

Off to dinner.

Snuggles on the bear.

They put on a kids' yoga class for the early risers.  We enjoyed it!

Even Lynxy!

Upward Dog pro.

Lynx was so cold in the pool, so he didn't spend much time there.  But he loves his warm baths!

At the end of our trip, we got some pizza, took this photo, and then headed to the van for the long drive home.

Lynxy was fine with the car ride!

January 10 - During our drive home from the Great Wolf Lodge, Nova was whining because she didn't want to leave. This went on for a while.  I said, "One of the hardest things you need to do as a child is leave something fun. You feel sad, mad, you want to go back.  It's really hard.  The more trips we go on, the more this is going to happen.  So, you need to practice this part of the trip.  You can be proud of how you behave when you leave something fun, or not.  Your choice.  But it's a good thing to practice this, so you get better at it over time."
After a few moments, she said she need a new toy. I gave her bear and blankie, and she immediately turned it around. For the rest of the trip she was smiling, happy, and joking with us. Parenting win!

More fun with dad home!  

Lynx loves playing with Anna and Elsa and his trucks.

Nova Notes:

December 5 - zipped her coat zipper with no help
December 18 - Her preschool teacher asked her what her father does for a living.  Nova replied, "paperwork."
December 30 - Nova said, "Do you want to tell me what I want for my birthday? I want a picture.  A picture of the United States who died." (She was referring to HW Bush.  She has a lot of questions about death lately.  I've been telling her that everyone's bodies die some day.  But, our energy or spirit never does.  And, it's up to her to decide what she thinks happens to our energy or spirit.  She has since said that she thinks Grandpa Buzz's spirit is at the hospital.  I like that - imagining him providing comfort and support to hospital patients for the past 30 years brings me comfort.)

December 31 - Instead of asking what she has for resolutions, I asked what she's interested in learning more about.  She said, "Imagination, cupcakes, and food."

January 10 - I asked her what she wore to Miss Wilma's daycare in October of 2017.  She said jeans.  Then she said she liked it at Miss Wilma's but didn't like having to wear jeans, nor having to sleep on a cot. Amazing that she could remember all of that from over a year ago!

January 15 - Nova said, "Can I get married with you? And Lynxy."

January 22. I said, "You're so wonderful, Nova." and Nova said, "I know."

January 28 - We read a book about the Chinese new year which had pictures of all the Chinese zodiac animals. Nova looked at them all and I explained to her that each person is assigned an animal, but I wasn't sure which was hers.  She said, "I'm a sheep."  The next day, I asked her again, and she confirmed - sheep.  we looked it up, and by golly, she was right.

February 5 - She and I watched Pride and Prejudice.  The next day, she said, "Can we watch Prey and Predator again?" 

February 8 - She was in the backseat of the van, playing with the seatbelt strap that dangles below the seat.  She said, "This makes me calm."

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