Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Easter 2019

Holidays just get more and more fun as my kids are able to understand and enjoy them more.   Easter was no exception. 

Leading up to this big holiday, Lynx got his first official haircut. I had been cutting his hair up until this, but I never did a good job. I figured, "eh.  He's so cute, nobody will notice." But, then I wondered how he may judge me when looking back at these photos. So, I splurged, spent the $22 and got a professional's help.

Voila!  Worth every penny!

My wild child.  The Saturday before Easter, the preschool/church she attends holds an Easter Egg hunt, complete with two bouncy castles.  

After the bouncy castle joy, a few kids took baths, and we had our photos taken professionally!  I'll provide you with all the photos in a separate post, but here's a preview.  

The Easter Bunny really outdid herself this year!  Each child got a book, a few candies, watering cans and dinosaur eggs to "excavate."  

Here's a video of the Easter Egg Hunt!

We went to our neighbor's house for Easter dinner and the kids had a great time! 

Lynx rarely falls asleep in the car, but when he does, it's very cute.  

We took the train at Wheaton Regional Park.  The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful time.  The little girl just behind Lynx is a friend of ours that just happened to be there too!  

Nova Notes:
We went to Nova's four year old Wellness appointment at a new practice.  I wasn't happy at our old practice.  The visit was great, so I'm glad I made the switch.  Here are her stats:
41.5 inches - 55% for height
37 pounds - 65% for weight

March 12
I told Nova I forgot the sauce in a pasta dish I was making.  She said, "That's OK. It will still taste."

March 18
After getting her up from bed, Nova said, "Somebody forgot to turn off the nightmare."  I think she meant nightlight...let's hope.

March 31
Nova said,"I just need to stare at people because my face goes there."

April 3 - her first piano lesson:
During the lesson, Marguerite asked to her count to five.  Nova said, "1,'s after 4." Margueriate asked again, and she counted to 7.  Then, Marguerite said, "can you count to five only?" And Nova said, "Ok, I counted high before.  Now I'll just count low.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5."
Also at piano, she sang the ABCs while playing the notes on the piano in rhythm to her singing. I"m taking that as a good sign.

Lynx Notes:
March 8
I told Lynx it was time for nap while we were downstairs.  He goes upstairs alone. turns on the noisemaker, gets his paci and lays down on the sleepsack. 

March 12
In the car driving back from a playdate with our friends Georgette (mom), Beya (age 4) and Ellie (age 3):
Nova: I was too shy to ask Beya to marry me today.
Me: That's ok.  You have a lot of time to ask her.  Only adults can get married."
Nova: Ya!  We are going to have a home with two moms! Lynxy can have a home with two dads. Or a home with one mom and one dad.  Lynxy, who do you want to marry?
Lynx: Georgette.

March 16
He can count to two!  He put two stickers on his feet and said, without prompting, "doo!" meaning, two.  One fell off and he said, "one!"

March 18
Yesterday, Lynx's boots got so muddy I had to put them away.  Today, I asked him where his boots are, and he said, "Muddy."  He knew they were away because they were muddy!  Nice.

March 20
If someone gets hurt, he's started patting or snuggling them.  
He pretended to be something else for the first time, too. He pretended to be a dog, barking on the ground.  I scratched his ears and told him he was a good dog.  He loved it.

April 20
Lynn was playing Nova's favorte gave of chase for 20 minutes.  Then he switched to playing trucks with Lynx.  Nova got upset and cried for at least 10 minutes.  Then, Lynx said, "Chase."  Lynn asked, "Lynx, do you want to play chase because Nova is sad?"  Lynx said, "ya."  So Nova gave him a hug and they played chase.

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