Thursday, November 25, 2021

Briggs Visits Boston + NYC!

 Before the pandemic, Lynn used to travel quite a lot. It was about a week per month...give or take. So we started this tradition of his taking two weeks off in August so I can go on a trip, too. This year, I split my trip into two - one visit to see my friends in Boston, and another to meet up with Minnesota friends in NYC! 

My friend, Sophia, bought a beautiful home on the edge of this lake on the outskirts of Boston. Picturesque! 

Seen here: Corinne and Julia with Julia's new baby Isabel! Not seen here: Sophia! How did we miss taking a photo with Sophia!? I'll need to visit again soon.

A few weeks after my trip to Boston, I went to NYC!

From left to right: Elin, Kristin and Jodi. I've known all of them since elementary school! Jodi I met in preschool!

We went to Hadestown - a musical. It was amazing.

So many pictures of us eating!

While there, I met up with my friend from Harvard, Karyn! We had a great breakfast chat!

It wasn't until Jodi had eaten almost all of her food that she offered to share with me! We thought this was hilarious and laughed + laughed!

We went to Gotham Comedy, and Jim Gaffigan made a surprise visit! He is soooo funny!

Thanks Ladies! I'd do that trip again anytime!

1 comment:

  1. Fun with friends! Great to see.
    Uncle Stan and Aunt Katie
