Monday, March 28, 2022

January + February 2022

Well, it's happening: my kids need me less and less every day!  I'm really enjoying watching them grow more + more independent, take on new challenges, hit those inevitable roadblocks, and try again. 

One such roadblock: Lynx fell into this creek! He was on that fallen-over tree and lost his balance and....SPLASH. He was fine, but Nova had a meltdown over it. She was so scared for him (and also said she was scared that SHE'D fall in too!) Oh well - Mom had a change of clothes in the van so all was well.

Nova dreaded doing this cookie booth....because she thought she'd had to follow people around, tugging on their shirts, asking them to buy cookies. Instead, she got to hang out with her pal Danya for three hours and they had the BEST time (despite the glaring sun)! 

One of Nova's unspoken goals is to be funny.  Luckily, she often is! Here she's trying to climb a tree in a silly way. Too funny!

One of Nova's classmates's mothers put together individualized crossword puzzles for each of the 26 children in Nova's class! Nova loved doing it and I was outplayed in parenting yet again!  

Nova's class! They celebrated Ella's birthday with Rice Krispie treats! 

Lynx is back to wearing his Batman costume as much as he can.  Nova wanted to be supergirl so I got her an outfit...that she's worn for a few hours and has now abandoned. No offense, DC Comics!

I don't actually remember what this was all about, but my two kids are SO FUNNY! 

More jokes! They pretended to fall asleep at the grocery store.

Both kids are obsessed with LEGOs now. Lynx built this castle all by himself.

I don't have a caption for this, but it's nice to catch him deep in thought sometimes.

This is Lynx's BFF, Westley! If Westley isn't going to be at school, Lynx cries and cries.  I heard from his teacher that they hold hands while walking down the hallway. While they sing chapel songs, they hold hands and sway together. I mean....the cuteness. 


March 2022 

Lynx:  I don’t even know how to be a scientist!

Nova:  You just need to figure out the Vaseline makes the car go fast!

Lynx:  But I don’t how to to that!

Nova:  I’m gonna put so much in your head you’ll need to forget who you are then remember who you are…

March 2022

Once Nova asked me what seaweed tastes like. I said it was like salty lettuce. 

Today, she asked me to put salt on a piece of lettuce to see if she likes seaweed. 

She does not.


Lynx: what do you want to be when you’re a grown up? A doctor? Police officer? 

Nova: no, I want to be a regular woman 

Lynx: Oh! And I’ll be your friend!

Me: you know how you were really upset about having to take the bus? 

Nova: ya 

Me: ok, what can I do to better help you when you get upset like that? What would help you? 

Nova: if you told me to take three deep breaths with my fingers here (she holds her fingers on her clavicles) 

Me: oh ok. That’s great, Nova. 

Nova thought her friend Ella hadn’t invited her to her birthday party. Nova said: “Ella has broken my heart!”

“The person who knocked that over, which was me, shouldn’t have done that!” 



“Let’s make a naughty plan!” 

“I’m so thirsty I’m going to suffocate!” 

Lynn: Lynx did you eat your granola bar yet?

Lynx: No

Lynn: Why not?

Lynx:  I’m too saaaaaad!


Lynx: Part of our house is on the ground, THAT’S for sure!


1 comment:

  1. Love your update. Such creative minds, they are growing well in the fertile soil you've set out. And I of all people know how scary a fall is when someone you love take a dive. Glad you had no consequences, just a growing up experience. We fall all our lives, it's how we get up that matters. Love from Uncle Stan and Aunt Kathleen. (her new hip is coming around nicely)
