Thursday, April 27, 2023

April 2023

 Oh boy, whenever the weather starts getting better, I start getting better too! I'm having SO MUCH FUN with the kids this spring. They're playing soccer, swimming (indoors), taking a basketball class. They both wanted to learn a different language, so we joined "Outschool" and Lynx is learning German while Nova is learning French! I love being busy (but not too busy) and this spring has been perfect! 

I also ran a 10k this past weekend in 56:19, which was in the window for my goal time! No pictures because nobody came to watch (sigh), but I remember it well because it hurt. hahaha.

I've put both kids in for the language immersion lottery for elementary school. Nova is already in Spanish immersion, but we. want to switch her to a different Spanish immersion school. I've applied for Lynx to go to any language immersion school for which we qualify, so I'm hoping that by playing the odds, he'll get a spot. I really think he's love to learn Chinese, so I'm (not so) secretly hoping he gets into Chinese immersion. But Spanish or French would also be amazing! (If only the county offered German!) We'll learn the results of the lottery in mid-May so keep your fingers crossed until then.

Lynn went to Tokyo and is off to Belgium in mid-May! Just like I'm happier when the weather gets better, he's happier when he gets to travel. No other update on him is needed. ;)

First are the videos! 

Here's Lynx swimming backstroke for the first time! We worked on this for weeks together.

Lynx swimming freestyle.

Nova swims butterfly! I still cannot do this - I'm so impressed!

Nova practicing jumping into the pool and does it so well the coach is thrilled! 

It's Grancy's Birthday! Two videos: We sing to her and she sends the kids a box of toys! 

Videotaping soccer is hard, because you never know when something interesting is going to happen. But I got lucky and captured Lynx scoring! 

But, videotaping Lynn playing soccer is always interesting. Enjoy! 

Nova got strep two weeks after Lynx's seizure (also from strep). She was given amoxicillin, and then, on day 8 of the medicine, broke out! She wasn't too itchy, so her doctor suggested she finish out the last two days of the amoxicillin. 

Nothing like Mac + Cheese to raise the spirits!

They stopped sleeping in the same bed in mid-March because Nova has added ALL of her stuffies to her bed! But, them choosing to sleep together lasted from about August to March! It was a sweet time. 

Nova and all her stuffies! 

Silliness before swimming lessons!

more Mac + Cheese silliness! 

They thought taping balloons to their faces was the funniest thing! 

They were in hysterics!

They thought the static electricity holding this balloon up was the coolest thing!

Around the same time that they had all of that balloon fun, I took them to Washington DC to see a museum...which they basically hated. Reminder to me to keep things simple! 

I went with some girlfriends to "afternoon tea" in April. This place was dainty personified! I felt like I was going to break something expensive the entire time. 

We had a great time! And the food was amazing.

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