Saturday, December 24, 2022

Lynx's Third Seizure

 Just coming in on Christmas Eve to report on Lynx's most recent seizure, for posterity's sake.

On Friday, December 16, I sent Lynx to his last day of preschool for 2022. He was fine. At 10:30, I got a phone call from the director, telling me that something is really off about Lynx and I need to pick him up. She said he just fell asleep and was burning up. 

I arrived at preschool a few minutes later, and he had thrown up in the office. He looked up at me, seemed embarrassed that I had to pick him up, and was generally acting like a sick, sad kid. I remarked that I'll need to watch him for seizures if he has a fever.

I brought him home, and he watched TV until he fell asleep around 12 noon. 

We went to pick up Nova from school at 2:30, and when I told Nova that Lynx had thrown up at school, Lynx said, "No I didn't!"  I said, "Yes, you did. I saw it on the floor. You don't remember it? Do you remember them changing your clothes?" HE said no.

So THEN it finally dawned on me that he had had another seizure. I called the teacher, who said that her assistant had had to carry him from the classroom to the office. Which he also does not remember. 

So, he's been on a steady stream of Motrin and Tylenol ever since. 

Nova got it that evening and threw up at around 4 pm. Then, fell back asleep. She's pretty tough! I caught it the next day (the same day Lynn arrived home from Chicago), and have been in bed ever since.

Now it's Christmas Eve and I'm hoping we can all feel better by tomorrow!! 

Poor Lynx, fell asleep while watching TV an hour or so after his seizure.

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